Holy Week
By Jaime Siman
"With what shall I come before the LORD, And bow myself before the High God?
Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings, With calves a year old?"
Micah 6:6
The booklet "Celebremos La Semana Santa… como le agrada a Dios" (Let’s celebrate Holy Week… in a manner pleasant to God) has been prepared to help Catholics discover the good news of salvation by faith in Jesus alone and not by works.
Any Christian that has lived in Latin America has witnessed the spiritual darkness that reigns during Lent and Holy Week. The booklet should be especially useful during this religious celebration, when Catholic Hispanics are more sensitive to spiritual matters.
To read full book in Spanish Click here.
Here are a few comments we have received.
A Professor and Dean of Missions of a well known Bible College in the USA wrote "I especially like the diagrams and formatting as well as the solid content. I only wish I had a resource like Celebremos La Semana Santa available during the days in Latin America when we did such intense Evangelistic work during that time of the year.”
From Perú“We deeply thank you… (the material) will be very useful for the training of many young men and women who come to study at our School of Missions“
From Mexico“We need if you can 500 or more books on Holy Week (Celebremos La Semana Santa). We will be reaching thousands of people on the beach … with a band of students (from the School of Ministry) and clowns..”
The Precious Counsel of God
By Jaime Siman
"You will guide me with Your counsel, And afterward receive me to glory."
Psalm 73:24
When Paul was returning from his third missionary trip; headed towards Jerusalem passed by Miletus. There he met with the elders of the church of Ephesus; where he warned them of the coming dangers the church would face. He commended them to God and His Word. Paul found that the answer to the coming perils was in God and His Word.
Today the church is being buffeted by all winds of doctrine. Today more than ever, we need to know the Word of God, the whole Word of God.the author makes reference to examples drawn from the Holy Scriptures; shares rich personal experiences, and uncover precious treasures that will help you appreciate and seek the Precious Counsel of God.
To read full book in Spanish Click Here.
Reflections on the Son of God
By Pastor Jaime Siman
The booklet "Reflexiones Sobre El Hijo De Dios" (Reflections on the Son of God) was born from the need to present the deity of Jesus in the Spanish language, in clear terms, but also in the power of the Scriptures. The material is presented in appealing fashion, with drawings, and in an easy to read format.
Many naïve souls fall pray to cults who seek salvation through works, denying the saving work of Jesus on the cross, and His deity. The man or woman that is exposed to the light of the Gospel with a clear presentation of the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, will be better protected from any cult, entering into the kingdom of God, enjoying eternal life and a precious freedom. The booklet offers the plan of salvation and an opportunity for the reader to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.
The material presented in the booklet is useful for training, evangelization and edification. The gospel is reaching various places in Mexico, Central and South America through this booklet.
To read full book in Spanish click here.
Here are a few comments we have received.
From Chile “you have no idea the number of people that have been converted through this book, young and elders, others have returned to the Lord and started to fellowship again, it has really been a great blessing”
From El Salvador "I thank God for placing in your heart this spiritual desire to write through such small booklet such great message, for everyone and in such simple language, so that we all can understand the great power of God. May God continue using you so that you may continue to reach all the brethren, workers as well as professionals, everyone!"
A pastor from Bolivia"It (the booklet) is excellent and I learned more about the deity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Many thanks. We would need more, many more copies… could you please send them?"
A Christian worker in Perú"There are many sects like the so called "Jehovah Witnesses" and… Mormons. The first ones deny the deity of Christ and the second group has little or no regard for the work of the Savior at the cross. That is why the booklet is powerful and of interest in the midst of so much deception and lies. Thanks be given to the Lord"
A judge in El Salvador is distributing the booklets at Christian outreaches his organization conducts in several hotels in the country. One of the lawyers ministered with the booklet wrote the following: "…it (the booklet, i.e.: the Biblical teaching in it) constitutes a strong and true fundament for those of us who have started to walk in Christ Jesus. It takes the many bandages off our eyes"
A Pastor Director of a School of Ministry in Mexico“your work in the books is excellent, we assigned the reading of the book to our students in the School of Ministry… they are each writing an 8 page report on the book”
The book “El Hombre: Su Origen y Destino” (Man: His Origin and Destiny) on the subject of Creation / Evolution is a power tool that presents the light of the gospel starting from the beginning, our origin. Many people think we are the result of a big explosion that occurred billions of years ago; which through random events yielded the order we see in the universe, including the arrival of man.
The lie of Evolution has impregnated all Latin America. The book “El Hombre: Su Origen y Destino” exposes, in its first half, this lie under the light of reason and science, while showing that the model of Creation is a much more reasonable one to accept.
This section comes with beautiful diagrams and sketches presenting the subject in a clear and dynamic way. The second half presents the Biblical account of origins offering the Gospel of Jesus Christ and an opportunity for the reader to accept Him as Lord and Savior.
Jaime Simán, Director of The Word For Latin America, is available to conduct seminars and presentations on the subject. He has a science background, having earned a Master degree in Chemical Engineering. He has also worked in the Research and Development departments of well know corporations, including Westinghouse Electric and Baxter Healthcare, where he has received various awards for his technical contributions, including eight patents for his inventions. And more important, as a lover of Jesus Christ, a student of the Scriptures and a pastor, he gives a clear presentation of the Word of God. And in the Word of God, and His Spirit, there is power to break the darkness, demolish the barriers, and raise the spiritually dead to a new life in Christ.
To read full book in Spanish Click here.
"Students of Calvary Chapel Bible Institute in Lima, Peru, were blessed and encouraged in their faith through the recent introduction of Jaime Siman on Creationism, entitled" Man: His Origin and Destiny. " A person in the audience said to have obtained the tools I needed to defend their faith to the humanistic philosophies of their professors. "
John Bonner, Director, Calvary Chapel Bible Institute Lima, Peru.
"The enthusiasm has been very high among participants who were able to remove the veils of doubt and confusion created by listening to many evolution theories ...
Your book 'The Man: His Origin and Destiny' has been a source not only of education but a great blessing, and directly the deep truths of the Bible and to have the answers to many questions that the world ask us.
Thank you, thank you for giving us this treasure.
"Fausto Pflücker, Jr., Pastor El Camino Fellowship California, United States.
"Jaime Siman showed excellent technical and analytical ... in the area of Research and Development. He was not only a Development Group Leader and Project Leader but also an inventor and / or development of new materials, designs and processes "
Donald E. Bobo, Vice President
Corporation between group "Fortune 100"